New Age - Nueva Era
Stepping Stones ..on the path to light
Enlightening stories and spirit encounters together with an online angel healing temple and metaphysical store, for the traveler on the path.
The Library of Halexandriah
Halexandriah is a Synthesis of new physics, sacred geometry, ancient and modern history, multiple universes & realities, consciousness, the Ha Qabala and ORME, extraterrestrials, corporate rule and politics, law, order and entropy, trial by jury, astronomy, monetary policy, scientific anomalies, and a whole host of other subjects ranging from astrology and astrophysics to superstrings and sonoluminesence to biblical and geologic histories to numerology, the Tarot, and creating your own reality. It is an attempt at bridging of the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.
Tiempo Futuro
Web de encuentro de los seres de luz,dedicada a encontar el conocimiento interno,compartiendo,espiritualidad,crecimiento personal,paraciencias, meditacion,reencuentros,reflexion,solidaridad,sanacion,alternativo,ayuda,oracion,entra te estabamos esperando!
Webspirit New Age Resources
New Age Spiritual and Personal Growth Resource. EBooks for free download and purchase. Topics include Personal Transformation, How To, Alternative and Natural Healing, Contemplation and Inspiration, Internet Marketing, EBooks, Music and more great titles added all the time.
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