Ingredients: dry extract nebulizado of Ginkgo she-wolf L. (Ginkgo she-wolf leaves), dry extract nebulizado of wine-yielding Vitis L. (red Grapevine leaves), nebulizado extract of Crataegus oxyacantha Ls. Zutaten: Trockenextrakt nebulizado der Ginkgo Wölfin L. (Ginkgo Wölfin Blätter), Trockenextrakt nebulizado Gewinnung von Wein-Vitis L. (rote Rebsorte Blätter), nebulizado Auszug aus Crataegus oxyacantha Ls. (white Hawthorn leaves and flowers), maltodextrina, espesante (hidroxiproplimetilcelulosa), emulgente (magnésicas fatty acid salts), antibinder (talc), colouring (iron oxides and hydroxides). (Hawthorn weiße Blätter und Blüten), maltodextrina, espesante (hidroxiproplimetilcelulosa), emulgente (magnésicas Fettsäure-Salze), antibinder (Talk), Farbstoffe (Eisenoxide und-hydroxide).
Recommendation of consumption: 1 capsule to the day.
Empfehlung der Verbrauch: 1 Kapsel in den Tag. Contraindications: Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the Ginkgo. Gegenanzeigen: Individuelle Überempfindlichkeit gegen die Bestandteile des Ginkgo. To take white Hawthorn it is contraindicated in joint treatment with heterósidos cardiotónicos or benzodiacepinas