Ingredients: soluble extract: melisa, mariano thistle, tooth of lion, bardana, artichoke, rhubarb, black radish, genciana, natural aroma of anise. Without alcohol, sugar, colouring preservatives nor. Advised in: the extracts of plants that contain have used traditionally like purifying. Information of the product: natural preparation with extracts of plants that traditionally have shown their effectiveness like purifying: the mariano Thistle is used like purifying by its aperitive properties, colagogas and their protective action on the liver, as well as by its digestive, diurética and antipirética action, the Tooth of lion is an excellent hepato-renal drenador and a powerful diurético very balanced by its potassium contribution, the Melisa is a great tonic, stimulating and antispasmodic, very it is used in case of indigestiones, the root of Rhubarb is very useful for intestinal cleaning, the Bardana has anti-bacterial properties and anti-fungal, besides presenting/displaying hipoglucemiantes properties, astringents and diuréticas, the Artichoke is useful like colagogo and colerético besides having a hipolipemiante effect, the black Radish is hepatoprotector and stimulating of biliary secretion (colerético) at the same time as it is a good general regulator of the biliary vesicle, the Genciana acts like appetizer and digestive, because he is able to facilitate the gastric motilidad and to stimulate secretions of the stomach and the liver, the green Anise is balsamic, diurético and spray. Dispepsias or bad digestions is used traditionally in cases of. Recommendation of consumption: a blister 2-3 times to the day, diluted in a liquid, preferably before the meals. Presentation: Box with 20 blisters of 10 ml
Recommendation of consumption: a blister 2-3 times to the day, diluted in a liquid, preferably before the meals. Presentation: Box with 20 blisters of 10 ml